For a second year in a row, Forbes Health named Synergy eTherapy as one of their BEST OF categories in Online Therapy Services! We are awarded in 2024 for BEST ONLINE THERAPY Services for KIDS & TEENS!

Online Meditation Partner

Online Meditation Partner​

Synergy eTherapy is excited to announce its partnership with The Lotus Room to enhance the mental health support offered to clients.

Together, we’re combining therapy and mindfulness to provide a holistic approach to well-being, helping individuals find peace, balance, and healing

Meet our Meditation Partner

Aubrey Adams​

Aubrey Adams is an award-winning teacher with over 9 years of experience. She began her journey in college when she stumbled upon a meditation class. She fell in love and quickly moved to get certified herself. Aubrey is certified in meditation and energy healing by the Pranic Healing Institute. Aubrey has a degree in psychology and communication from Auburn University.

Sign up for a private or group class on the website.

First class is $10, after is $25 per session for groups.

Private meditation is by packages:
10 sessions for $900
20 sessions for $1900
48 sessions for $4500

Visit The Lotus Room website:

Listen to a demo meditation here:

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