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Working from home and feeling burnt out?

An online therapist can help!

The past few months have been unlike anything we have ever experienced. March dragged on forever, but where did April and May even go? The COVID-19 pandemic forced many people to begin working from home for the first time. Establishing a new daily routine became a daunting task. While some blessings in disguise have definitely emerged such as spending extra time with loved ones, learning how to cook, or catching up on household chores, there comes a point where staying home every day can take a toll on your emotional well-being.

An online therapist can help you discover why you’re feeling burnt out and steps you can take to heal.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), burnout is an occupational phenomenon that is characterized by energy depletion or exhaustion, increased mental distance or cynicism from one’s job, and reduced professional efficacy. The risk of burnout has escalated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Shifting rapidly to remote work, losing childcare, and anxiety surrounding finances and personal health are just some of the things that intensify the natural causes of burnout. If you’re feeling exhausted, unmotivated, or inefficient, it’s time to talk to an online therapist.Creating a balance between your work and personal life can be difficult, especially when you’re working from home. It’s important to establish boundaries. Give yourself the space (both physically and mentally) to walk away from work at the end of the day. People who work from home often work more hours, and they may not even realize it. Remember: don’t stress about proving you’re not slacking. During such unprecedented times, there is no “perfect” worker, and there are additional stressors in all of our lives.

Decide a cut off time for when you will finish working, leave your work space, and allow your mind to focus on other things.


An aspect of working from home (that initially sounded great to some people and worrisome to others) includes having fewer social interactions. Most in-person jobs involve working with others in some regard. While Zoom meetings and phone calls have multiplied during the stay-at-home order, a lack of real-life social interactions affects us more than we often realize. Even if your co-workers aren’t your best friends, our social networks provide us with support, stress reduction, and intellectual stimulation. Part of your burnout might be a result of social isolation.

Take time in your day to interact with your co-workers, friends, or family, either virtually or in-person (safely, of course)!

It goes without saying that if you’re sick of staying home, get out of the house!


Now that the weather is warmer and certain businesses are starting to open up, there are socially distant ways to enjoy some free time outside of your home. Exercising is always a great option to get those feel-good hormones pumping! If you’re looking to unwind, sit outside at your favorite restaurant you’ve been missing. Allow yourself to separate your work life from your personal life.

Talk to an online therapist about some personalized ways to recuperate from your burnout.

If you are interested in online therapy, sign up for your free consultation today to learn more!

To learn more about Synergy eTherapy and our team of excellent Therapist, Psychologists and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, click HERE.

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