For a second year in a row, Forbes Health named Synergy eTherapy as one of their BEST OF categories in Online Therapy Services! We are awarded in 2024 for BEST ONLINE THERAPY Services for KIDS & TEENS!

Counseling For Medical Conditions

Online Therapy For Medical Conditions Such As Chronic Pain, Chronic Illness, Cancer, and Other Significant Medical Diagnoses

You’ve gone to your doctor so many times that you have lost count. Finally, you get your diagnosis and your terrified. What happens now? Is my life changed forever? How do I keep doing everything I need to do and still fight to have the best life possible?

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A Medical Issue or Chronic Pain Makes Life Challenging

Having medical issues and/or chronic pain can interfere with every aspect of your day. You no longer can do small things that other people take for granted. Whether you have a chronic condition or a new medical diagnosis, living with any illness needs to be treated holistically. This means treating your mind and body.

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Get Support As You Learn To Cope With Your Diagnosis In Online Therapy

When you first learn of your new medical diagnosis, whether it’s chronic pain, a chronic illness, cancer, or some other serious medical condition, you go through the grieving process. It feels like your old life has “passed on,” and you have to learn how to accept this “new normal.”
There are so many thoughts that could be going through your head. You need someone to talk through this will you and guide you in figuring out the next steps. Also, you need to talk to someone who understands what you’re going through. Ultimately, you need to make sure you are still finding time to take care of yourself.

Counseling For Bariatric Surgery Patients

Amanda Dutton, LPC from Georgia is trained in working with bariatric surgery patients in online therapy. Preparing for bariatric surgery is hard! There are so many appointments, meetings and rules you have to follow. At least there are the support groups for bariatric surgery patients, right?

But what happens after bariatric surgery? In most cases, the support we have before the surgery seems to disappear. Maybe you had a pre-surgical psychological assessment, but now your emotional support is gone. How do you get through the emotional eating and all the new feelings we have to face once we can’t run to the fridge or cabinet any

You Deserve Mental Health Support

With life still going on, family, work, friends, etc, making time for yourself can be tough, but it’s so important and necessary. Especially now! You need a space where you can talk without fear of judgement and learn about this “new you” and how to work with it for the rest of your life.

It’s not just a physical change that occurs after a medical diagnosis or surgery but a mental one, too. You have to advocate your needs while you begin to “grieve” your old self. Even if your old self didn’t look the way you wanted. You may need to talk with an online therapist for anxiety around your medical and health needs.

Reasons Bariatric and Medical patients Need Online Therapy

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There are many types of mental health treatment, and many different individuals to consider counseling. Sometimes, the issue bringing someone to counseling is relatively small and they’re just trying to cope with some temporary stress. Other times, the reasons can feel big and overwhelming.  Here are just a few reasons someone may start counseling:

  • Anxiety including social anxiety, general anxiety and worry about the future
  • Feeling overwhelmed in the age of constant digital communication
  • Relationship problems
  • Conflict between family members
  • Depression
  • Adjustment to a recent procedure, their health & other major life stressors
  • Feeling uncertain about the future
  • Self-esteem & identity concerns

Online Therapy Can Help!

Talking to an online therapist is a great way to start learning more about your “new normal” and your choices and emotions. Maybe, the balance in your life has been off for a little bit. Now, things are starting to go downhill with communication, self-worth or you’re simply withdrawing from others. There is no need to suffer when you can get online therapy.

Online counseling is a great way to build a trusting relationship with someone outside of your close circle. Your therapist can help you navigate through this period of life. Even if you don’t think your issues are that serious, don’t wait! Begin online therapy with a trained, experienced online counselor now.

Is Online Therapy For Chronic Pain and Medical Issues Actually Necessary?

It can be hard to tell the difference between “typical” sadness, anger or frustration and more serious problems. If you are the partner of someone who has had bariatric surgery or has gotten a serious medical diagnosis, watching your partner go through all of the emotions that happen is hard. It can seem like a really big transition for both of you. Sometimes patients will obsess over their weight changes, have fears about their outcomes and want to give up. However, so many of these things can be part of the process of adapting to this new normal. If this sounds like you, you may need time to adjust. So while online therapy is not critical, it can be very benificial in helping you adjust during this time.

Online Therapy Is Necessary When Your Changes In Mood Seriously Interfere With Your Life

If you’re experiencing rapid emotional shifts that often feel out of control, problems at work like not completing tasks or trouble with peers, unhealthy eating and sleeping habits, social anxiety, suicidal thoughts or self-harm behaviors or other impulsive/dangerous behaviors, please consider a seeing an online therapist. 

There is a point where typical stressors become difficult to balance. If you feel like you just don’t understand yourself (or if you are a partner and feel like you just don’t recognize your significant other anymore) and don’t know what else to do, it’s time to get help from a therapist or counselor.

eTherapy For Chronic Medical Conditions/Pain.

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For many individuals, eTherapy make a lot of sense.  First of all, who has time for therapy when life is so busy? With eTherapy, help can come right to your phone or computer on your own time. For example, after a long day at work, taking care of your family, going to appointments and all the other things that happen in your day, you can talk to your therapist from the comfort of your own room. Furthermore, some of our online therapists have nighttime and weekend appointments available to fit into your busy schedule!

Additionally, many of us are so used to being online and are used to forming relationships online.  In fact, much communication happens over technology. Therefore, you’re most likely already comfortable communicating through the computer, tablet or phone screen.  Online counseling meets you exactly where you are already.

Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) For Medical Issues and Chronic Pain

Although medical conditions are physical affect your physical health, it affects our mind too. Likewise, our mind can impact the way we handle the pain. Therefore, making it better or worse. Cognitive Behavioral Strategies in particular are helpful in reducing negative thought patters associated with medical conditions. 

How we think about our pain influences the pain cycle. When you don’t feel well, having to get out of bed to make weekly therapy appointments is hard to do. With eTherapy, you can access your therapist from the comfort of your home or surroundings. Synergy eTherapists offer flexible appointment times, so we can see you at a time that works best for your pain levels. Schedule your FREE Synergy eTherapy consultation with a therapist in your area today!

Find Relief From Your Chronic Pain and Stress With An Online Counselor

Know that we are here to help you find ways to manage your medical condition with as much grace as possible. You don’t need to do this alone. Although we cannot take away a medical condition, we can help you improve it as much as possible to allow for better quality of life. Our eTherapists are trained to teach you tools to create lasting change and peace in your life amidst the harships that come from having cronic pain or a medical condition.

Emotions and Struggles With Your Self-Worth Can Be Very Overwhelming!

With some guidance and support from a mental health professional, you can move through this phase in life with grace. Online counseling can be an important form of support for you and your entire family during this time of transition.

Please know that the online therapists at Synergy eTherapy are here to help you find your way.  Through online counseling sessions, you can learn manage your emotions, build self-confidence, and improve your overall mental health. You are not alone in this fight!

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Begin Online Therapy For Medical Issues and Chronic Pain

If you are looking for support dealing with your medical diagnosis or your chronic pain, then our etherapists can help. Synergy eTherapy has staff that are trained to provide counseling for medical issues. To get started with online therapy, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Learn more about synergy etherapy and online counseling from our FAQ page
  2. Meet with an etherapist in the state you live in
  3. Get support in coping with your diagnosis and regain the joy in your life!
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Synergy eTherapy really helps me to open up my mind and see things from a different perspective. The conversations are nice because I feel a lot less alone…

If at any time you feel suicidal, STOP and please call 9-1-1 immediately or go to your local emergency room. This site is not intended, nor equipt to handle crisis situations.

Other Mental Health Services At Synergy eTherapy

As an online counseling practice, our mission is to offer a variety of online mental health therapy services to help you focus on you. We take the stress out of getting the treatment you deserve with our flexible, convenient, and easy to use mental health services. We offer online therapy in several states including MinnesotaIowaWisconsinNew YorkSouth CarolinaFloridaKansasCaliforniaIllinois, Maine, and Georgia with new states added to our list on a regular basis. Depending on the therapist you see, we can offer counseling for traumadepression, substance abuse, medical conditions and more. Our online therapists help teenscollege students, adults and couples. In addition, we are able to offer psychiatric medication management in some locations. For questions regarding our cost, please visit the cost of investment page. Getting help doesn’t have to be complicated. Online counseling may be the answer you’ve been looking for.

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