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School bedtime routines, start them now!

Topic #27 School bedtime routines, start them now! Getting your kids ready for school includes starting to adjust bedtime and wake-time schedules!

It’s hard to believe that school is going to begin, for most kids, the day after Labor day. That gives you 20 more days to practice going to be earlier and waking up earlier. Many parents and kids I work with dread this part of summertime…feeling like it’s ending two weeks short!

It doesn’t have to feel like a jolt… many experts agree there are great strategies to help families wind down gradually over time, making the transition that much easier.

Stress Free Kids is a great website with resources including their latest blog about ways to make this seemingly awful fact a reality. Check out their latest blog post CLICK HERE to learn more.

My recommendations include the following:

1. Start now. Don’t wait until the last minute to begin reducing their bedtime and having them wake up earlier.

2. Start winding down the abundance of summer activities. Allow the kids “down time” and free play. BUT, outdoor play is always best each day. Fresh air and exercise helps them sleep better overall.

3. Get your kids involved! Start to have them practice getting clothes out the night before, setting up breakfast or lunch and practice those morning routines (shower, brush teeth, backpack, etc.).

4. Praise positive behaviors and efforts and encourage continued work on what they will most certainly struggle with (I’m guessing it will be the waking up early part!)

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