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The understanding of addiction has changed.

The understanding of addiction has changed.

by, Patsy Reed, MA, LADC, LPCC

Did you know that addiction is a family disease with harmful effects that can last a lifetime?

Over the past several years, the understanding of addiction has changed.  Substance abuse professionals are now viewing addiction as a longer term, chronic disease that requires treatment and monitoring much like other chronic conditions such as diabetes. 

Denial is a defense.  It is a powerful coping mechanism to delay facing the truth.  The key to understanding is learning.

Family members deserve a chance to heal. Did you know that approximately one out of every three families in America are impacted by the disease of addiction?  Many families truly believe they are the “only ones” struggling with this issue.

Families cannot do this alone.  The way out is to reach out. 

Addiction is a disease of isolation, silence, secrecy and shame. By breaking the silence and reaching out to others for help and support the turmoil of addiction within the family unit will begin to lessen. As family members educate themselves about the disease of addiction, learn to practice positive self-care, and work on their own personal healing, they in turn are able to live a more balanced life.

Do you need help?  What’s holding you back?


Many families truly believe they are the “only ones” struggling with this issue. My areas of expertise include both addiction and mental health issues.  My passion is helping others improve their own lives, relationships and find greater fulfillment and purpose.  Whether you are seeking individual, couples or family therapy to move forward, I can help you begin the healing process.

Email: or call her directly at 612-261-1822

You can also sign up for your FREE consultation with Patsy to learn more about whether etherapy is a good fit for you or your family.

Patsy Reed is a dually-licensed therapist with expertise in addiction and mental health. She graduated from the world renowned Hazelden Addiction Treatment Center.

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